What is Floating?

Floating is completely uninterrupted YOU time. Away from the noise, stress, and distractions of busy-ness. All while floating weightlessly in a warm and safe setting where the only thing you notice is the sound of your breathing and heartbeat, but even this eventually subsides as you journey deeper into an enlightened path of self-discovery… That is floating.

We can use our time in the tank as a chance to check in with ourselves, uninhibited and unadulterated by the external forces that are otherwise omni­present.

Float tanks are a revolutionary tool for human optimisation and liberating the true power of your body and mind.

How Does It Work?

The float tank holds about 10” of water and 450Kg of Epsom salt. The Epsom salt adds density to the water, which in turn makes our bodies very buoyant. As a person lies on their back in the float tank, their body floats on the surface, half in and half out of the water. This buoyancy has an incredibly rejuvenating effect on the human body.

No Light

Once you switch the light off from inside the tank you will experience complete darkness.

No Sound

The float room is sound insulated so when the music fades out after 15 minutes you float in complete silence.

No Sense of Touch

The temperature of the water is kept at 34.5 degrees, the average external tem­perature of the human body. This is referred to as skin-receptor neutral, meaning the water creates no cues for the skin to report as tactile stimulation.


The float solution is hyper buoyant meaning no effort is required to keep you on the surface. All pressure is removed from the body, muscles and tendons stretch out and relax and the spine is allowed to decompress.

The combination of these elements creates an environment that is free from all external stimu­lation. Our body responds to this environment by basically taking a gigantic mental and physical sigh of relief. No longer worried about filtering the outside world to look for potential danger, our production of stress-related hor­mones drop to almost nothing, our brainwaves lower in frequency to a state associated with mental relaxation and free-thinking, and there is a natural spike in the neurochemicals that make us feel joy.

All of this is compounded by the inherent relax­ation created by absorbing Epsom salt (Mag­nesium Sulfate). While used primarily in the float tank to actually make people float, Epsom salt comes with the added benefit of softening skin and hair, cleansing and detoxifying the body, and getting people the magnesium most of us are lacking.


MONDAY TO THURSDAY          9am – 5pm


SATURDAY & SUNDAY              9am – 4pm